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Preparing for a job interview - top tips for Clownfish
- The most repeated positive feedback for Clownfish following an interview is they are imaginative, positive, principled, collaborative and catalysts. The most repeated negative comments are they were too unpredictable and likely to become bored before completing projects. What are interviewers likely to say about you? Here are some tips to help you do well in the interview.
- As a naturally good talker, able to think on your feet, you should be able to provide detailed answers to questions you are asked. Be careful not to talk for too long. Your answer should just refer to the question you have been asked. Listen carefully to each question. If you are asked for two examples to demonstrate a skill or experience then give two, not three or more. If you would like to add more ask if you can, do not assume.
- You can tend to go off on rambling stories and metaphors. You like to perform. This can be entertaining in social situations but must be curtailed in an interview where your answers need to be specific and relevant. Do not interrupt the interviewer when they are speaking, even if you think you have something amazing to say. Bite your tongue and engage your ears not your mouth.
- As a naturally flexible and spontaneous person you should be ready for unexpected questions or situations and be able to adapt your behaviour or answers engagingly.
- Do ensure you have prepared fully for the interview. Do not be tempted to ‘wing it’ or ‘see how it goes’. Here is a checklist of the essentials: discover and adhere to the company dress code, be well groomed, on-time, check and stick to realistic travel times to reach your destination, research the company and the role you have applied for, take a folder containing your qualifications, certificates and references if you have been requested to bring them along, telephone beforehand to find out how long the interview will be, how many people will be interviewing you and if there are extras like tests or group discussions. All this preparation will serve you well. Fewer surprises on the day will put you at ease and help you retain control and composure.
- As a naturally friendly and sociable person you are liable to make a good impression with the people you meet before, during and after the interview. Use your natural skills to read the people and the situation to project a positive vibe.
- Beware your tendency to see criticism where there may only be feedback being given, or an attempt to see how you react to a tough question. Stay focused and concentrate on providing clear answers. Do not get personal in your answers. The interviewer probably does not need to know what you didn’t like the people with whom you used to work.
- Be careful not to be too modest about your achievements. You do need to showcase your best achievements and qualities in an interview. You can say things like ‘people say I’m incredibly kind or creative’, if you don’t want to say ‘I’m incredibly kind or creative’.
Coping with change
As humans we are programmed to look out for danger and to avoid it. This helps us survive. We grow to like familiar things and prefer to avoid change. We can see change as a potential threat. However, some change is inevitable and most change is not a threat, but we are programmed to be wary and suspicious of change which can cause stress and unhelpful patterns of thought. We have a big brain which can make us worry in a big way. Our personality has a huge influence on our response to change.
Does change affect you the way it does people who share your personality animal?

Clownfish generally respond well to change
They like variety and action and seek change rather than avoid it. Perhaps too much? They can neglect to finish something before starting the next project. It is good to keep things fresh and varied but do finish the important tasks on time. Clear signs of stress are obsessing with your health, fitness and details that are usually unimportant.

Clownfish are daydreamers and spend more time than most animals imagining different scenarios
They tend to change jobs, houses, friends, cars, and hairstyles more than others. This can be exhausting for those close to them. Be careful not to create so much change that you overextend yourself and become stressed.

Clownfish like to be nice to people and sometimes promise too much
You can't help everyone all of the time without burnout so you may need to learn to say no sometimes. They can be overwhelmed by the big things in life and worry about climate change, injustice, poverty and so on. Identify a few key causes and make a positive contribution to these as your way to make the world a better place.
Job suggestions for Clownfish based on West Yorkshire key sectors:
Roles that blend understanding people and creativity often appeal to Clownfish.
Clownfish would suit roles such as:
- Web Developer
- Business Intelligence Analyst
- Graphic Designer
Clownfish have natural enthusiasm, flexibility and originality.
Clownfish could thrive in roles such as:
- Architect
- Civil Engineer
- Carpenter
Clownfish are natural mentors and coaches, especially when motivating or inspiring groups.
Clownfish would suit roles such as:
- Teacher
- Occupational Therapist
Many Clownfish like to apply their creative side to design, make or improve things.
Clownfish could thrive in roles such as:
- Product Development Engineer
- Medical Scientist
- Upholsterer
Clownfish are most comfortable performing roles in which their imagination can run free.
Clownfish would suit roles such as:
- Marketing Manager
- Actor