Supporting your child with apprenticeships and technical education

Are you a parent or carer of a young person thinking about doing an apprenticeship or technical education? 

Here's some top tips to help you support your child to make the right choice for them. 

  1. Be open-minded. Technical education has changed a great deal and there is a range of opportunities that your child may now like to explore. Try to put aside any preconceptions and be open to finding out about all the options. 
  2. Use available support. There are lots of tools at your disposal to research what i's out there for your child - their school/college, company websites, careers websites, social media, podcasts, webinars...there is so much to support you!
  3. Don't expect your child to know what they want to do. We know that many young people don't know yet what they want to do or may not have discovered the range of careers available.
  4. Think about how your child learns. You know your child and what makes them tick. Consider how they might learn best and whether a technical or academic course might be best for them. 
  5. Hear from other young people. Try to arrange to visit or attend open days at schools and colleges that run courses your child is interested in and talk to current students to get up-to-date information and opinions.

We have worked with Amazing Apprenticeships to create a guide explaining everything you need to know about Apprenticeships, T-Levels, Higher Technical Qualifications and Institutes of Technology. Why not take a look with your young person and talk through the different options. 

On Wednesday 10 July the Combined Authority’s School Partnership Team hosted an online event focusing on apprenticeships. Attendees heard from a panel of apprenticeship employers who answered questions about apprenticeship careers. Click below to watch the webinar.