Teachers, employers and support

Inspire young people to make informed career choices in West Yorkshire


Join our network of business volunteers and help young people gain the skills needed by local employers, so that when they leave education, they’re ready to work. We can connect you to schools and colleges in your area.

From as little as one hour of your time, you really can raise the profile of your business and industry whilst making a huge difference to a young person. You can volunteer for a range of one-off activities including mock interviews, careers talks and workplace visits.

As an enterprise advisor you decide how much time you can commit to work with a school or college.

  • Medium term project support with a school or college - Help by linking your sector knowledge to a curriculum area, utilise your skill set to provide specific project-based support or support the school to develop a careers insight day.
  • Long term strategic support with one school or college - Work with Senior Leaders in one school over one academic year to help develop their careers provision and help shape it to employers needs.

You will work with one of our dedicated enterprise coordinators to ensure that your commitment is flexible to your needs and reflects how much time you have to commit. Our aim is to ensure your experience is smooth, beneficial to your business and rewarding.

What you can offer

  • Support with interview practice
  • Offer a workplace tour
  • Host a speed networking event where students can meet with employees
  • Deliver a lesson that links to the curriculum
  • Mentoring
  • Be committed to supporting a school or college’s leadership team for one academic year
  • Together, shape the school or college’s careers, enterprise and employer engagement strategy

Benefits to your business

  • Increased positive reputation and corporate image
  • Access to a diverse talent pool for your business
  • Increased staff loyalty - employees with disabilities stay in their job on average 3.5 times longer than non-disabled colleagues
  • A strategic skills-based leadership development opportunity for employees
  • An opportunity to access and develop local business networks
  • A chance to support your local school or college through your CSR programme

They are our future. We must get involved in education to help shape and develop ultimately our pipeline of talent, our work force. It is also a great tool to attract future talent to your organisation

Richard Paxman, CEO, Paxman Coolers

Employers can really add value by working together and helping to influence and shape young people’s experiences. By doing this we are assisting young people to build the skills needed for a vibrant economy in the future.

Richelle Schuster, Enterprise Adviser

The best thing about being an Enterprise Adviser is being able to share my journey with the students and getting businesses to share their experiences too, so the students can learn from the practical side of life as well as academic learning.

Naz Ghadamian, Financial Adviser, AFH Wealth Management

Young people are our future. Showcasing how education links to real world is important to equip them to make the right career decisions.

Dipti Bhise, Process Engineer, Amazon

Working with the school helps my team to gain new skills and confidence, so it has a positive impact on the business.

Rachel Dilley, COO, Town Hall Group

It’s vital that employers get involved. As careers and job roles evolve employers can help to inform and influence curriculum in schools through sharing information about their industry/ sectors, breaking down career choice stereotypes and inspiring young people.

Steve Moore, Area Manager, City Fibre

I would highly recommend becoming an Enterprise Advisor to other employers and employees because it offers a unique opportunity to give back to the community and play a part in nurturing the next generation of professionals. This role enables you to bring fresh perspectives and practical advice to young people, while also enhancing your own professional skills such as mentoring, communication, and leadership.

Katie Rankin, Emerging Talent & Careers Manager